5 Fitness Apps That Make Morning Workouts Actually Doable

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Full disclosure: I love waking up early—but, my intentions don’t always align with my circadian rhythm. Recently I’ve been making a more deliberate effort to wake up earlier, train in the morning, and basically crush the day before starting work. It took a few weeks before the days felt less miserable and my coffee intake normalized, but these are the fitness apps that have helped own my morning workouts.

This is the app that I use when I know waking up is going to be a struggle.

Oh hey, have you heard of Rock Clock? It’s this adorable little app that serves as an alarm clock but with ~special~ ringtones. My favorite is The Rock singing “Good Morning Sunshine.” It’s glorious and feels like I’m being hugged out of slumber. There are also lots of other cool features to the app including video messages from Dwayne Johnson, goal setting motivation, and an option to have your alarm clock sync with Johnson’s sleep cycle. (iPhone and Android, free)

And this new workout app is like taking a group fitness class, but without having to leave your apartment.

If I’m in the mood for a yoga class from top trainers without having to get dressed, the new Skyfit app is my go-to jam. This app offers audio-coached training sessions for yoga, running, indoor cycling, and elliptical workouts. It takes the hassle out of figuring out what to do in the morning and saves me time since I don’t have to commute. I’ve been digging the yoga classes since I’m not coordinated enough to put together a flow on my own and don’t always want to boot up my computer to play a video. (iPhone and Android, $9.99/month for unlimited classes)

When I get my butt to the gym, Fitocracy helps me keep track of my workouts and progress.

If you have a regular gym routine this app will help keep you motivated toward achieving your goal during those early A.M. sessions. You have to put in some work upfront (creating a custom workout and logging the weights, reps, and sets), but then you can easily repeat sessions and add notes about how it feels. So if it’s starting to feel easy it might be time to increase the weights or number of reps reps—tracking your progress is majorly motivating. Fitocracy also offers pre-programmed workouts if you’re just starting a regular fitness practice. iPhone and Android, free)

This training app makes it really easy to log a quality strength session anywhere.

Nike+ Training Club has been around for a few years, but the interface is still worth talking about. You can pick what workout you want to do based of a number of factors including type of equipment, length, intensity, and focus (strength, endurance, or mobility). Each workout includes video demos of each move along with audio cues. You know exactly what you need to do (which is really helpful during the just-woke-up fog), you just have to actually get it done. (iPhone and Android, free)

And fitness isn’t just about flexing your muscles, it’s about being in the right headspace, too.

Meditation is an in-progress practice and definitely worth working on thanks to the mental health benefitsHeadspace is a hassle-free way to cultivate some calmness in the morning. You start with a 10 part, 10-minute guided meditation series that will help you become comfortable with a daily practice—you’ll receive audio cues on how to sit, breathe, when to have your eyes open and closed, and what sensations to focus on us. It’s a beginner-friendly introduction to meditation, and once you graduate the initial (free) program, there are series geared toward specific life moments include health, relationships, and sport. (iPhone and Android, free with in-app purchases)


You may also like: Try This 10-Minute Plyometric Workout You Can Do At Home

The post 5 Fitness Apps That Make Morning Workouts Actually Doable appeared first on SELF.

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Jasmine Bryant

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